Have you ever bought something and then really regretted it? I usually buy my sheets at a discount home warehouse.. good quality 100% cotton sheets for a really reasonable price. Fantastic.
That is, until I decided that those sheets weren't good enough for me anymore... Cotton requires a ton of chemicals to grow, don't you know.
So off I went in search of the perfect sheets.. white, organic or bamboo, not too expensive. Not only did I discover after many hours of shopping that organic or bamboo sheets are not readily available here, what I did find was really expensive.
I finally discovered some bamboo sheets from Home Outfitters. I can't remember how much they were, I was on shopping overload by the time I found them. But they were definitely reasonably priced. I was happy. I could sleep at night knowing my sheets were made from an earth-friendly fibre and that was that. I loved my sheets.
until... |
I noticed after the first washing that the hemmed ends of the pillowcases and top sheet were quite wrinkly. OK, I thought, I can live with that... cotton does that too.
Then I noticed that the fabric has a "grabby" quality (like a micro fibre cloth). That means lots of hair stuck to the pillowcase (yuck, I know). At first I thought I was going bald, so in a way the fact that it's the
sheets is a relief.
After a few washes they started to pill. A lot.
hate too strong of a word for how I feel about these sheets? They have all the
worst qualities of cotton and acrylic. I can't believe I paid extra for them. Next time I'm in the states I am going to be stocking up at Tar-gay on Organic cotton sheet sets.
So.. is it just me? Did I stumble on the worst bamboo sheet set ever made? Have any of you ever had this problem? Should I give bamboo another chance?
And at what point is the sacrifice for a "green" product just not worth it?